Wednesday, February 18, 2009

one day at a time

So basically blogging has taken a backseat the last week. I finally got fed up with being in pain so I went in to see the doctor and turns out I have some herniated discs in my back. Yay. I am pretty frustrated at this point because I should be moving along in my training schedule and instead I am stuck popping pills and scheduling physical therapy! I really just kind of need to scream or something. One day at a time though....that's all I can do I guess. On a better note the kids are good, and Parker is on cloud nine because we DVR'd the new Disney movie "Spectacular" the other night and so he has been watching it non stop so as to better his "rock star" skills if you will. Kaden rolls himself up in blankets on the floor and wants me to pick him up "like a taco" (not happening with a busted back) and Brinlee won't answer to anything except Sleeping Booty (beauty) and on occassion Cinderella. "Seeping booty needs to go potty mom, seeping booty needs a nack (snack)" - you get the picture...good times.


d.c.r.k.soptich said...

I have an idea, run away, from it all...well in your case walk :)

Calley said...

Oww your back! Like I want to buy you a cane or a walker or something :)
Hang in there. It sounds like Summer and Brinlee really need to hang out one of these days. Although heaven help which one of them pulls the short straw on being Sleeping Booty...!

Jen said...

Oh, Mom's just can't be sick/injured. It just doesn't work. So why does it still happen?

Chivaun-o-rama said...

Sarah, that sucks! Back pain is the worst...honestly I'd rather have my appendix out again! (There was an end in sight after a little ol' surgery..)

I hope you feel better soon! Take care, and good luck with the PT!

Jeremy Saunders said...

yikes sarah! You are tough! That sounds painful! Hang in there. A friend told me the other day that that is the only way Satan can stop you, with a physical injury. I liked that. So just know he is working overtime on you because you are such an awesome mom and person. Don't let him drag you down...fight back! Your photo op sounds mahvelous...wish we could do it.

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I know a HOT therapist here in Arizona...wanna come visit?!! Back are THE WORST! ecspecially as a mom who has to lift kiddos!